To all members and BUILDERS:
We would like to update you on the status of Noble Canyon and the associated trails. Noble canyon has been a topic of discussion of the past few years and numerous inquiries on both the status of trails, how to build more along with the re-build of Flying Squirrel after the logging operation and working on the existing trails. These trails all fall on crown land under the oversight of Recreation Sites and Trails BC whom, in, 2019 completed a trail assessment of the area and will be sharing the report shortly in the start of 2020. They will not be issuing any section 57 (what we need to make trails legit) until further deliberations and project planning has been complete with all parties involved. This is a multi-use area and all parties must be consulted and work together.
The ensure the BEST outcome, we need to ensure there is no building happening without permission, if we want anything to happen in the near future we MUST comply. Also, if you are caught building illegally it can result in “a penalty of up to $10,000, an order to return the area to its original condition, and up to six months of jail time”.
Please enjoy the trails we have, and look forward to a bright future of new trails! Also check out this link