Past NOCS board of Directors
2019 Board of Directors and Officers:
President: Brett Woods
Vice President: Mark Dowhaniuk
Treasurer: Pete Zablotny
Secretary: Cynthia Kapicki
Communications: Rosemary Whelpdale
Trail Coordinator: Tom Eyers, then Jason Martin
Toonie Coordinators: Demian Carson and Sean Simpson
Grants/Sponsorships: Jeff Palatnick and Bridget Grant
Website: Grant Hancock
Volunteer Coordinator: Niki Peletz
Event Coordinator: Deana Francks
Bike Fest Coordinator: Dave Boutillier
Trail Ninjas Coordinator: Nicole Guerrero
Directors at Large: Pete Dorey, Nick Brush
the 2018 board of directors and executive:
President: Daniel Poulin
Vice-President: Matt Ball
Secretary: Nicole Guerrero
Treasurer: Stacey Banks
Board of Directors
Matthew Ball
Stacey Banks
Mark Dowhaniuk
David Boutillier
Nicole Guerrero
Daniel Poulin
Tom Eyres
Phil Dyck
The 2017 Board of Directors and Executive:
President: Daniel Poulin
Vice-President: Edward Callendar
Secretary: Nicole Guerrero
Treasurer: Stacey Banks
Board of Directors
Matthew Ball
Stacey Banks
Edward Callender
Mark Dowhaniuk
David Boutillier
Nicole Guerrero
Daniel Poulin
Tom Eyres
Phil Dyck
Nick Macdonald
The 2016 Board of Directors and Executive was as follows:
President: Matthew Ball
Vice-President: Edward Callendar
Secretary: Daniel Poulin
Treasurer: Stacey Banks
Board of Directors
Matthew Ball
Stacey Banks
Edward Callender
Mark Dowhaniuk
John Shumyk
Gary Giampa
David Boutillier
Nicole Guerrero
Daniel Poulin
Nick Macdonald