Individual NOCS Annual Membership

Annual (500 x 500 px) (1).png
Annual (500 x 500 px) (1).png

Individual NOCS Annual Membership

CA$48.00 every 12 months

Purchase this membership for an individual. Thank you for joining our Mountain bike community!

Membership renews yearly. *You may opt out at any time.

Once you have purchased your membership you can head to Sun Country Cycle, Olympia or Skyride, show them the receipt on your phone, or print it out and they will give you a decal for your bike (or car, or water bottle… you can get creative) along with a small credit card decal that shows you are a member when shopping.

Please OPT IN to receiving emails from NOCS, which will allow us to send you important information in our regular newsletters, it's the best way to stay up to date! If you decide you don't want the emails later, it's an easy one-click unsubscribe.


Becoming and renewing your NOCS membership adds to the mountain biking voice in the North Okanagan.  Having a large, active and engaged membership will help NOCS to protect our current trails, advocate for new trails and mountain bike facilities in our community.

You will also need to be a member to join in on our weekly group rides according to our liability insurance.